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The Clarion Herald

    Whether one is willing to face reality or not, each of us has an appointment with God EVERY TIME the doors of our church are open for worship, praise or teaching. And each is responsible -- not merely for what he knows, but for what he has OPPORTUNITY TO KNOW through following God's Word.
    If we had an appointment with a doctor, with the governor or president, we would SURELY make every possible effort to BE ON TINE! In fact, we would probably plan to arrive EARLY!
    Is our appointment with God of LESS IMPORTANCE? Does He not matter? Or do you simply take Him for granted -- presuming on His making an exception for someone so important as yourself?
    "But", you may argue, "I made no appointment with God!" And that is quite true; it is HIS APPOINTMENT -- His order for every one of us; and He is our LORD AND KING! His Word clearly commands: "Let us also be mindful to stimulate one another toward love and helpful activities, not neglecting our own church meeting, as is habitual with some, but giving mutual encouragement, and all the more so since you see the

Day approaching. For if WILFULLY we go on sinning after acquiring the knowledge of the truth, there is no more sacrifice for sins in store, but some dreadful anticipation of sentence and of a burning indignation that is to devour the opposers", (Heb.l0:24-27; Berkeley).
    As fellow-body-members in the church, we are pledged to follow God's order. According to the covenant adopted by most Baptist churches, we have promised to follow God's Word together.
    "We engage therefore, by the aid of the Holy Spirit, to walk together in Christian love; to strive for the advancement of this church, in knowledge, holiness and comfort; to promote its prosperity and spirituality; to sustain its worship, ordinances, discipline and doctrines; to contribute cheerfully and regularly to the support of the ministry, the expenses of the church, the relief of the poor, and the spread of the gospel through all nations".
    In this appointment each of us has a CHOICE; we may choose to rebel -- to draw back and refuse. But there are some other appointments that God has made for us in which WE WILL HAVE NO CHOICE! "It is appointed unto men once TO DIE, but

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The Clarion Herald The Clarion Herald

after this THE JUDGMENT", (Heb. 9:27). The choice of YOUR heart, in response to the things God has appointed FOR YOUR LIFE, will determine your condition in death and the severity of your judgment.
    It IS THAT SERIOUS! And God's warning is always rooted in love -- because HE CARES!
-- Eugene L. Garner


    Due to the long hours necessary to complete the publication of our Studies in Galatians, the size of the CLARION HERALD has been cut to 6 pages for this one issue.
    The Galatian Studies (a 146-page series of study outlines) is now ready for distribution. All prepublication orders have been shipped.
    The remaining books are available at 2.OO each -- postage paid. Or we will ship them at $17.50 per dozen.
-- the Editor


    "I am the Lord, I change not", (Malachi 3:6).

There are changes on the ocean,
    Tides go up, and tides go down;
Suns are sometimes bright & smiling,
    Sometimes storms and tempests
But the Rock from which the Light-
    Casts its constant rays around,
Is established 'mid the billows;
    There no changes will be found.

There are changes in the garden!
    Flowers come, and bloom,
      and die;
In succession, blossoms follow,
    Then how quickly they pass by!
But the sun-dial in the center,
    Stands unchanged through every
And the story of time's passing,
    Is as it has always been.

There are changes in our households,
    Parents die, & babes have birth;
There are funerals of sorrow,
    There are marriages of mirth.
But our Father-God in Heaven
    Bears a blest unchanging name;
As "the Everlasting Father",
    Through eternity the same!
-- William Luff

    An old soldier gave a good definition of true conversion when he said: "When I was a young fellow in the army, we used to receive the command, 'Right about, face!'. When I became a soldier of the Cross, it was the same command that I received from the Captain of my salvation".


    In the opening words of the 1etters addressed to the "seven churches of Asia" one may discover a rather comprehensive view of the Christ. It is such a view as tends to give encouragement and hope to a people who are oppressed and afflicted -- who love the Lord sincerely, but patiently await "the blessed hope" of His appearing in glory. His glorious attributes, as set forth in these letters, should be constantly held before His blood-bought people.
    To EPHESUS, a church whose first-love had become cold, Christ portrayed Himself as actively walking among His churches -- holding the stars in His right hand (Rev. 2:1). He has already explained that the "stars" are the "angels" of the seven churches". These He holds in his hands -- controlling, protecting. To Him they are precious and fill a vital role in the accomplishing of His purpose.
    In the midst of His churches Jesus walks and observes. Do His people TRULY LOVE HIM? Do they love what He loves and value what He values?
    In the Old Testament God is pictured as LOOKING DOWN upon the children of men "to see if there were any that did understand, that did seek God". (Psalm 53:2). But the Son of God is viewed as WALKING AMONG the churches to behold their order or disorder. And His eyes penetrate very deeply in their searching gaze.

    Jesus is viewed as "the first and the last"; though once dead, He is alive forever more, (Rev. 2:8). He is the author and finisher of everything worthwhile, (Rev. 22:13; Isa. 41:1-4; 44:6; 48:12; Col. 1:16-17; Rom. 11:36). Once dead, He is now alive forever. His life was given freely as a ransom for all. He had power to lay it down and to take it up again, (Jn. 10:17). He is now risen -- to die no more, (Rom. 1:4; 6:9; Rev. 4:9; Deut. 32:39-40; Dan. 4:34).
    The Son of Man appeared to PERGAMAS, a worldly and compromising church, wielding a sharp two-edged sword, (Rev. 2:12). It proceeded from His mouth -- the sword of sovereign authority, (Rev. 1:16). That sword is a weapon of warfare. It is unsheathed against: false doctrine, (Rev. 2:16); and against the forces of wickedness, (Rev. 19:15; comp. 2 Thes. 2:8; Isa. 49:2; 11:4; Heb. 4:12). It will bring down the rebellious and disobedient -- without respect of persons, (Deut. 32:41-43).
    In royal, divine dignity He confronted THYATIRA an impure and corrupted church, as the "SON OF GOD", (Rev. 2:18). His eyes were like "a flame of fire" -- suggesting searching judgment, (Psa. 11:4; Jer. 17:10; I Thes. 1:7-10; Heb. 10:26-27; 12:29). Beautiful in splendor, His FEET were like burnished bronze. Swift to aid His own; but also to punish sin wherever it may be found.
    It is interesting, in this connection, to examine Nahum 1:15. To the government (mountain) of

Assyria, they are the crushing feet of righteous judgment and destruction. Isaiah used this figure in connection with the DELIVERANCE of God's people through the destruction of Babylon at the end of the age (Isa. 52:7). Nahum used it of the DELIVERANCE of Judah through the destruction of Assyria; Nineveh, in particular, (701 B.C.).
    For the afflicted people of God, the feet on the mountain were good tidings of DELIVERANCE and PEACE; as such they have a special relevance to the people of God when confronted by ANY enemy that is set on their destruction. The threatening of the irresistible Assyrian had an important role to perform in turning the heart of Judah back to Jehovah; so God has been pleased, in almost every age, to use the enemies of His people to arouse in them an awareness of their deep need. But, the yoke of the Assyrian has been broken and his bonds cast aside; Judah has been freed from the pit that she dug for herself by her unbelief. No more shall the Assyrian be permitted to afflict her; he is utterly cut off!
    It is chiefly for the purpose of encouraging the churches, in the midst of great tribulation -- even to the consummation of the age -- that the book of Revelation is given. And it will continue to serve such a purpose, in believing hearts, until "every eye shall see Him" returning in power and great glory to establish righteousness, justice, equity and peace on this earth forevermore.
    It was to SARDIS, a superficial

and lifeless church, that Jesus portrayed Himself as possessor of "the seven spirits and the seven stars" - all under His ultimate control, (Rev. 3:1). As already noted, the "stars" are the pastors; they belong to Him and He protects them, controls them and uses them for His own glory. His usage of the seven spirits is a bit more difficult to understand. It must be remembered that many things in this book are symbolic and representative. Numbers play a significant part. And the number "seven" suggests DIVINE PERFECTION of COMPLETION. Thus, "the seven Spirits" which Jesus claims to possess, hold and control may represent the seven-fold works of the Spirit, (see Isaiah 11:2-3). However, they may also refer to the "seven angels" -- remembering that they are "ministering spirits" under the absolute authority of the Christ.
    To the church at PHILADELPHIA, where brotherly love reigns, Jesus portrays Himself as:
1) "The Holy One". This is the name, title and description of God as spoken by the seraphim, (Isa. 6:3). God is different, separate from all else. He has that quality of life and being which men NEVER have of themselves and which belongs to Him alone. To say that Jesus is "holy" is to claim nothing less than absolute deity.
2) "He that is True". This is NOT true (alethes) in the sense of being a correct statement, as opposed to a false one. It is, rather, "alethinos" -- "real, genuine"; there is nothing shadowy or unreal about Jesus Christ. Once we have

honestly confronted Him our guessing and gropings after truth are past. He IS TRUTH -- divine reality!
    3) "He that hath the Key of David"; Davidic, Messianic AUTHORITY. He alone can admit men into the presence of God, with acceptance. He alone possesses the authority of admitting one to the New Jerusalem -- the City of David. No longer is the way shut up; it is open to all who will acknowledge and yield to His rightful sovereignty over their lives.
    Finally, to LAODICEA, the apostate, democratic church, He showed Himself in a very unique role. He is:
    1) The "Amen". In the Hebrew of Isaiah 65:15 God is designated the "God of Amen". This signifies His utter trustworthiness. His Word may be accepted without question because His promises are faithful and true. Thus, Jesus is One whose promises are reliable.
    2) "The Faithful and True Witness". A true witness must bear testimony to what he has seen with his own eyes. He must be absolutely honest -- accurately relating what he has seen and heard. And he must have the ability to give an intelligent account of what he has seen and heard. Jesus is the perfect witness of the things of God.
    3) "The Beginning of the Creation of God". Instead of teaching that He is a CREATED BEING, this passage identifies Him as the CREATOR! (John 1:1, 3). The insistence on the part of the Son, in creation, is significant in view of the

emergence of certain schismatic's who explained sin and disease by saying that the world had been created -- not by the TRUE God, but by a false and inferior God. But the Scriptures everywhere teach that the world was created by the true God; though sin and sorrow are not His fault. The God of creation and the God of Redemption are the same.
    What God has undertaken will ultimately be brought to completion. Let us patiently and expectantly WAIT ON HIM! He is ever the "hope of His people"; in due season we shall REAP "if we faint not". E.G.

    To Peter Jesus said: "If I wash thee not, thou hast no part with me!" To reject the Master's humble service is not an act of generosity; it is outright ARROGANCE! This is a lesson every sinner must learn before he can truly profit from the provision made by Jesus on Calvary.
    In like manner, we must learn that whatever is offered to us as pastors, "in Jesus' name", should be received with gratitude. What we intend to appear as modesty or humility, in rejecting the loving graciousness of our brethren, may actually reveal a deep-rooted sense of pride and self-sufficiency.
    For the good of all, divine wisdom has made the under-shepherd and the sheep dependent on each other. I would want it no other way. E.G.
    He speaks with greatest authority who humbly renders the most faithful & loving service -- not only to his Lord, but also to his brethren "for Jesus' sake".

    In 1880 a corps of Civil Engineers came to Johnstown, Pennsylvania, and examined the dam that controlled the waters flowing down into the valley. They went to the authorities and warned them that it was not safe -- that it was dangerous and needing repairs. Some of the city fathers remarked that they had been living there for many years and had never been troubled by the dam failing to hold.
    Later the engineers returned -- repeating the warning. But it once more fell on deaf ears. The following Spring they paid the city a return visit and pleaded with them to repair the dam, but to no avail. They climaxed their efforts with a letter to the citizens -- which was ignored.
    Fifteen days later a boy rode furiously into the valley shouting, "RUN FOR YOUR LIVES! the dam has broken and the water is flooding the valley!" Thirty-seven hundred people lost their lives, needlessly, in what history now calls The Jamestown Flood.
    People are so like that with regard to eternal, spiritual matters. There is no greater authority on life, death and eternity than the Lord Jesus Christ. He spoke of "fleeing the wrath to come", of "judgment", "hell", "the fire that never shall be quenched" and of "everlasting punishment". To flee the wrath to come is to literally RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!
    The Lord Jesus on one occasion warned of being in danger of "hell fire". He again warned, "Except ye repent ye shall all likewise perish!" But how few are giving even a nominal heed to His important warnings? It is time that all men WAKE UP!
    Again and again the Word of God carries intense warnings -- telling men that they are not safe in their sins. Men of God have stood in pulpits, used radio and TV, and taken advantage of the printed page in an effort to warn men and women that "all have sinned"; that sinners must meet God, and that it is "a fearful thing" to fall into the hands of the Living God.
    It is time to RUN FOR YOUR LIVES! Fleeing to Jesus, the Saviour, you will find: deliverance from your sin-guiltiness; cleansing through the power of His blood; and acceptance with the Father.