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The Clarion Herald

    Truth is a trust. Whoever has it has it, not for himself simply, but for the world. Paul regarded himself a trustee of the gospel. The whole world were beneficiaries of the trust. From his day till now there has been a succession in the trusteeship. The apostle, with a spiritual thrift and economy taught him by the Spirit of God, committed the truth to faithful men, with instructions for them, in their turn, to do likewise, that the truth might never fail among men to the end of time.
    Baptists are peculiarly in the succession of trusteeship. When they were few and despised, without papers, colleges, or even the common rights of men, they felt the solemn obligations of trusteeship. They saw, under the gloom of spiritual ignorance surrounding them, certain GREAT PRINCIPLES taught in the Word of God, held them aloft amid the dust and smoke of mighty spiritual conflicts, and sealed their devotion to them in martyr fires. These principles spring out of the New Testament, and are for the guidance of the race to the highest destiny fixed in the mind of God.
    All real progress in the world is along the line of these princi-
(Continued on back page)


    There is a tendency on the part of most professing Christians to be uneasy about the future -- to wonder if everything will really work out right. It would be so much easier to live a Christian life, they imagine, if God would only open up the pathway far enough ahead that they might see themselves clearly through.
    But God does not promise help until it is needed, nor to remove obstacles before we reach them. Yet whenever a REAL need appears His hand is always there to meet it. Just because they forget this, some worry about future difficulties. All such need to learn something of the principle on which God acts: "When thou passeth through the waters, I will be with thee". This promise may be claimed ONLY as one COMES TO THE WATERS.
    Others worry because they seem to have no "dying grace". WHY should they have it so long as they are in good health? What they need now is "living grace"; if one will trust God for grace to LIVE for Him NOW, then "dying grace" will be received at the time it is needed. God is always on time; His adequate supply will satisfy the needs of all who trust Him wholly. He Who has promised will always be found faithful to His Word.

The Clarion Herald The Clarion Herald


Why will ye waste on trifling cares
That life which God's compassion
While, in the various range of
The one thing needful is forgot?

Shall God invite you from above?
Shall Jesus urge his dying love?
Shall troubled conscience give you
And all these pleas unite in vain?

Not so your eyes will always view
Those objects which you now pursue;
Not so will heaven and hell appear,
When death's decisive hour is near.

Almighty God! thy grace impart;
Fix deep conviction on each heart:
Nor let us waste on trifling cares
That life which thy compassion
-- Philip Doddridge
  'Your life work is recorded--
    Every detail, every phase;
  An unseen pen is writing
    Out the story of your days.'


    It is with mixed emotions that we anticipate the early departure of two families from our church. The Edgar Potter's, who have long had the Brazilian mission field on their hearts, plan to leave this area around November 1. It is their intention to visit sister churches, as they have opportunity, during the next few months before actually departing for the mission field. I would urge those brethren who are not acquainted with Bro. Potter to give him a hearing. If you would like to write him within the next few weeks, he may be addressed:
    Edgar Potter
    Route 3, Box 237
    Stoughton, Wis. 535R9.
    Bro. Homer L. Bryan has given up his job and is moving to Little Rock, Arkansas where he will enroll as a student in the Missionary Baptist Seminary. It is his desire to better prepare himself for the ministry to which the Lord has called him.
    Though we will greatly miss the fellowship of these we so dearly love, in the Lord, it is a joy to see their response to what they consider the will of God for their lives. God still calls men into His service, and it is a blessing to know there are those who still care -- who yearn for the salvation of precious souls, and are willing to dedicate their lives to Christ's glorious service.
    Blessings on these brethren and their families as they launch out, by faith, to serve our wonderful Master. And may each of us be faithful to support them in every possible way. Above all else, let us not forget to pray for them!


Yes, my native land, I love thee,
  All thy scenes I love them well;
Friends, connections, happy country
  Can I hid you all farewell?
    Can I leave you --
Far in heathen lands to dwell?

Home! thy joys are passing lovely;
  Joys no stranger-heart can tell!
Happy home!, indeed I love thee,
  Can I -- Can I say -- Farewell?
    Can I leave thee --
Far in heathen lands to dwell?

Scenes of sacred peace and pleasure
  Holy days and Sabbath bell,
Richest, brightest, sweetest treas-
  Can I say a last farewell?
    Can I leave you --
Far in heathen lands to dwell?

Yes! I hasten from you gladly,
  From the scenes I loved so well!
Far away, ye billows, bear me;
  Lovely, native land, farewell!
    Pleased I leave thee --
Far in heathen lands to dwell.

In the deserts let me labor,
 On the mountains let me tell,
How He died -- the blessed Savior -
  To redeem a world from hell!
    Let me hasten,
Far in heathen lands to dwell.

Bear me on, thou restless ocean,
  Let the winds the canvas swell -
Heaves my heart with warm emotion,
  While I go far hence to dwell.
    Glad I bid thee,
Native land! Farewell -- FAREWELL!!
-- S. F. Smith
"Love unbinds others by its own bonds."


    In my college days there was a boy in the class above me whom we called Tom. He was quiet and somewhat reserved, but was able, scholarly, and withal popular among the boys. We all thought he would make good when he went out into the world.
    Graduation Day came and with it the breaking of college ties and the parting of college friends. Thirty-five years rolled by. Then one day I heard that our college mate, whose full name was Thomas Woodrow Wilson, was to speak in this city. I went down to the great hall to hear him. There I found a splendid audience of four thousand Christianmen gathered to hear his message upon a great moral and religious theme. It was a magnificient address and captivated the audience with its eloquence and literary finish.
    At its close I went up and greeted him, and we had a pleasant chat about the old college days. He went back to the White House, and I wended my way down to a little two room office on the tenth floor of a city skyscraper. I sat there thinking of my old college friend. He was at the zenith of his fame. The eyes not only of the country, but of all the world were centered upon him. My own life was quiet, obscure hidden away in a little corner from whence I was sending out over the world simple devotional messages from the Lord. Yet, do you know, that as I looked into my own heart, I could not find one atom of envy toward my distinguished fellow collegian, nor of covetousness for his high position.
  Do you ask why? Simply because

    I had found the humble place to which my lot was cast to be God's holy ground of service, and that was the joy of all life to me.
-- James McConkey
   'A noble life is not a blaze
     Of sudden glory won;
   It is a building up of days
     Wherein God's work is done.'


    It is very heartening to receive so many letters from readers of the CLARION HERALD. Your words of encouragement are a real blessing. To be reassured that one's labor is "not in vain" -- that it is in some small way helping to encourage the hearts and strengthen the lives of God's people -- brings real joy.
    By God's grace, we are being enabled to herald the word of truth from Alaska to South America, from Japan, and the islands of the Pacific, on to Central Europe. Your prayers, letters and occasional help with postage is appreciated.
    Continue to pray for us. We do yearn to enrich other lives. E.G.
TRUTH A TRUST ...... Continued

ples. They are intended and are suited to develop the highest type of manhood. They greaten the individual by forming his character after that of Jesus Christ, who was the world's one complete man, its most perfect gentleman, its truest and best citizen.
    Great States cannot be constructed of little people. A little man, narrow in his views of human rights and possibilities, narrow in his sympathies, without noble thoughts, can never make a great anything. And an aggregation of such people will make a State no better than the average of them....Nations have progressed as they have given hospitality to the great principles for which Baptists stand. That is only another way of saying that nations have risen in proportion as they have become genuinely Christian, and they have become Christian as they have accepted the teachings of the New Testament.
-- J. B. Gambrell, in
"Baptist Principles Reset"

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