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The Clarion Herald

    Isn't it strange what limitations men want to place on the grace of God? Calling the Corinthians to a stewardship of cheerful liberality, Paul assured them that "God is able to make all grace abound toward you" -- assuring a sufficiency "in all things" as their lives were abandoned to Christ. But, what deplorable unbelief has settled upon God's people with regard to this grace! How scandalously is it cheapened and supplanted by fleshly schemes and false implications! Is it not a bit shameful to imagine that "abounding grace" is being properly evaluated and respected in advocating a system of giving that does not surpass, in its liberality, what was required of a nation that knew nothing of New Covenant blessings?
    Plenty of people are willing for the preacher to experiment with this grace in his own life; there they may admire and laud it. But how very few are willing that it should rule THEIR hearts and enable THEM to be what God desires. May the evident unfruitfulness of our generation escape the suspicion that the real cause is a "cheap grace" attitude that characterizes so many hypocritical hearts?
    What vast progress might be made
(Continued on Back Page)


    After months of prayerful waiting, a meeting-place has been located for our mission in Madison, Wisconsin. Until now, our brethren there have met in their homes on Sunday night and Thursday night -- worshipping with us on Sunday Morning.
    Their regular fellowship will be missed in Rockford, but we pray the Lord will open to them a wide door of utterance, and that a new light house of truth may soon be established in that city.
    Should any of our readers know someone who might be a prospect for this work, he would do well to contact:
        Bro. Edgar Potter
        Route 3, Box 237
        Stoughton, Wis. 53589
        Telephone (Area) 603 873-9649


    Eternal Life is the present possession ofthose trusting in God. The extent of its enjoyment is determined by the quality of one's faith. Fear, doubt and unbelief in the heart of a saved man minimize his capacity to appreciate and enter fully into the enjoyment of the vast "riches of grace" that have been given us "in Christ Jesus".


    In the midst of sore trial and affliction, hardship and suffering, sadness and failure, discouragement and distress, myriads of God's people have learned the secret of the words spoken long ago by Nehemiah: "For the JOY OF THE LORD is your strength", (8:10). Great emphasis is placed on this subject in the Scriptures. Jesus offered to share His joy with His disciples. Paul commanded the Philippians to "rejoice in the Lord". But it must be understood that it is "the Lord" in whom we are to rejoice -- not in favorable circumstances. His person, His faithfulness, His stedfast love and mercy should be enough to overflow our hearts with joy and our lips with song.
    I often remember the truthfulness of this principle evidenced in the life of my mother -- during the days of depression when I was but a stripling of a lad. Times were much harder than I ever realized then, and a great deal harder than even she admitted. But I shall never be able to forget the song that seemed

to thrill her heart as no other in those days. It was a song by Avis Burgeson, and revealed something of the secret of mother's seemingly endless strength. She often sang:
    "It is glory just to walk with Him whose blood has ransomed me; It is rapture for my soul each day. It is joy divine to feel Him near where'er my path may be, Bless the Lord, it's glory all the way! It is glory just to walk with Him. It is glory just to walk with Him. He will guide my steps aright, Thro' the vale and o'er the height; It is glory just to walk with Him."
    Many times I have thanked God for that simple testimony of faith and devotion. The example has blessed my heart and encouraged me to stand in many an hour of adversity.
    "The joy of the Lord" strengthens one for: victory over daily temptations; living an exemplary Christian life; maintaining an effective Christian testimony; and the fulfilling of every obligation that God has laid upon us for His own glory.
    But no one may claim the "joy of the Lord" for his strength who has not personally received Jesus as his Saviour from sin-guiltiness and yielded his life under the benevolent Lordship of the Living Christ.
    The task that the Lord has given us is great. The obstacles cast in our way may appear insurmountable; but, in the strength of hearts that are united and made joyful in the Lord, WE CANNOT FAIL! Will YOU allow the joy of your heart to overflow and bless others THIS WEEK?


(Continued from last issue)

    In the service of Christ one may be a fellow-helper. Paul had such "fellows" in Aquila and Priscilla, (Rom. 16:3). He declared himself and Timothy to be "fellow-helpers" of the Corinthian's joy, (2 Cor. 1:24). And John urged that a warm and loving reception, and liberal support, be given visiting missionaries -- those so assisting them being "fellowhelpers to the truth", (3 John 8).
    Fellow-helpers, laborers and workers are all the same in the language of the New Testament.Paul mentions several brethren whom he regarded as "fellow - workers unto the Kingdom of God",(Col. 4:11). Among these were Timothy, Titus,Eaphroditus, Clement, Philemon, Epaphras, Mark,Aristarchus, Luke and Demas -- who ultimatelyforsook him, having "loved this present world".On the subject of "labor" it is interesting to compare the words of Jesus in John 4:35-38. And let us always remember that we are "laborers together" with God, (I Cor. 3:9).
     Of our spiritual relationship in Christ, Paul suggests that we are fellow-members -- of one another, (Rom. 12:5; Eph. 4:25); and of the body of Christ, (I Cor. 6:15; Eph. 5:30). And he had some fellow prisoners in Rome, (Rom. 16:7; Col. 4:10; Philemon 23).
    But perhaps the most delightful "fellows" in all Paul's wide experience were his fellow-servants. His heart was enlarged toward them, (Col. 1:7; 4:7). But Jesus spoke of some whose relationship was not as it should have been, (Matt. 18:28-33; 24:49). Impatient martyrs, pictured as waiting under the altar,

are urged to rest a little season "until their fellowservants, and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled", (Rev. 6:9-11). And when John bowed to worship before the ministering spirit, who had shown him glorious things which belong to the heirs of salvation, that heavenly creature forbad him -- saying that he was a fellowservant of all those who have the testimony of Jesus, (Rev. 19:10; 22:8-9).
    Until the battle is over, and the victory won, we must be fellow soldiers in a spiritual warfare against the hosts of wickedness, (Phil. 2:25; Philemon 2; Eph. 6:10-19).
    Perhaps the greatest of all words regarding "fellows" is that rendered "fellowship" -- the sharing of all things in common, (Acts 4:32). To such a position we have been called in Christ, (I Cor. 1:9). And there our labor is "not in vain", (I Cor. 15:58).
    The real significance of fellowship may best be understood by a close examination of the various words necessary to translate it into our language. It is variously rendered as "contribution", (Rom. 15:26; "communion", (2 Cor. 6:14); "distribution", (2 Cor. 9:13); and "communicate" or "communication," (Heb. 13: 16; Philemon 6).
    Knowledge that our"fellowship" is "with the Father, and with his Son, Jesus Christ" ought to flood our hearts with JOY and PRAISE! And it should knit our hearts closer together in a mutuality of love and brotherliness in Christ's body.

     "Blest be the tie that binds,"
     Our hearts in Christian love;
     The fellowship of kindred minds
     "Is like to that above."

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