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The Clarion Herald

    In years past, many people have avoided any direct contact with the Landmark Missionary Baptist Church because it was rumored that we were DIFFERENT -- some sort of odd-ball fanatics. Joyfully do we acknowledge that "there IS a difference", but the slightest investigation will reveal that we are NOT "fanatics".
    From its beginning Landmark has been characterized by a simple life of faith and fellowship in the Gospel. Her imperfect members are all regarded as "brothers and sisters" in Christ. A spirit of harmony, love, joy and peace is maintained as every member recognizes the necessity of faithfully fulfilling the role for which the Holy Spirit has placed him in the body.
    Together we search the Scriptures for a fuller understanding of the will and purpose of God; for we believe in the inerrancy of the Bible as the authoritative Word of God -- fully instructing all who would walk in the way of the Lord. Together we worship, praise, honor, and adore Him whose name is above every name. Together we labor, in faith and love, in desire and endeavor, to attain unto the level of maturity and spirituality to which God has called us in His Son. In a
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    Though skepticism continues its age - old policy of ridicule, and agnosticism sows its seed of doubt, serious students of the Judaeo - Christian Scriptures almost universally agree that there lay in Israel a deep - seated Messianic hope long before the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem - Judaea. Beyond this point the harmony of opinion becomes progressively strained. Nor is it always easy to determine the exact point or cause of division.
    For centuries the world's greatest minds have engaged in an incessant conflict over the origin of this exclusively "Jewish" hope. Though the struggle has been long and fierce, the matter appears to boil down to an "either-or" proposition. Berkower suggests that "There are basically but two possibilities: either the religion of Israel with its concomitant Messianic hopes arose from Israel itself under the weight of adverse circumstances, OR they arose in response to the divine revelation which brought new hope in the midst of misery".
    In a series of articles (to appear in the CLARION HERALD during the next several months) the editor will assume the historic Christian position that "divine revelation"
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The Clarion Herald The Clarion Herald


"rooted in divine grace" repeatedly aroused within the breasts of Israel's faithful the expectation of a righteous King whose dominion would never pass away. With Briggs, he submits that "Messianic prophecy is the most important of all themes: for it is the ideal of redemption given by the Creator of our race atthe beginning of its history, and it everabides as the goal of humanity until the divine plan has been accomplished". Though to some it may seem an over-simplification, it must be stressed that to receive a fair hearing the Messianic idea must be viewed within the biblical context.
    That the Jews did not fully understand the significance of all the Messianic passages is impertinent -- except as a proof of the faithfulness and complete accuracy of divine revelation. Seven hundred years before the birth of Jesus, God spoke through His faithful prophet saying: "Go, and tell this people, Hear ye indeed, but under stand not; and see ye indeed, but"

"perceive not. Make the heart of this people fat, and make their ears heavy, and shut their eyes; lest they see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their hearts, and convert, and be healed", (Isa. 6:9-10; Also see Matt. 13:13-16). This decision was executed ONLY AFTER the covenant nation had repeatedly rejected the Lordship of Jehovah over her affairs. Though with her lips she professed to know Him, she had, in fact, spurned His love, despised His sovereignty, abused His mercy, and rejected His gracious offer of forgiveness -- conditioned on her repentance and return to Him.


    "Messiah" is a Hebrew title meaning "the anointed one". Anointing, in the Scriptures, was for kingship and / or priesthood. The prophets foretold the coming of One whose anointing would be for both offices --- a thing not allowed under the code from Mt. Sinai. This One is designated "Messiah", and is pre-eminent among the anointed of all time.
    Nowhere does the Old Testament present a systematic and completely transparent analysis of the messianic figure, but various characteristics of the coming Messiah appear here and there throughout the book. Though there is a diversity of opinion as to whether such an expectation was justified in Israel, few men who have the slightest familiarity with ancient history will deny that it existed. Even H. G. Wells, in his over-celebrated Outline of History, was compelled to admit that "The Jews looked for a"
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    Far too many who make a profession of godliness, in this hectic age, manifest a great deal of presumption in their living. The vital thing about our relationship to God is the attitude of our hearts toward Him -- a thing that inevitably shows up in the kind of life one lives.
    Jesus warned: "Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven", (Matt. 7:21). And God spoke through Samuel, the child-prophet, saying: "Them that honor me I will honor; and they that despise me shall be lightly esteemed", (I Sam. 2:30). That a mere "profession" of faith does not guarantee an inevitable sharing of "all spiritual blessings" is evident from the fact that this latter warning was spoken concerning the prophet, Eli, who honored his sons above God.
    It is true that Eli once reproved his sons, saying, "Why do ye these things? for I hear of your evil doings by all the people". But He did not wield the authority that was his for punishing them when they despised his reproof. So far as God was concerned, Eli was guilty of "winking at sin".
    Since the sons of Eli -- priests in Israel -- had sinned together, God declared that they should be cut off together, which soon happened in a battle with the Philistines. Though the warning from God humbled the heart of the old prophet, it did not turn aside the righteous judgment of God.
    On the very day that Hophni and Phinehas were slain, the ark was

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taken, Eli died, and a child was born to the wife of Phinehas. She died at the birth of the child, but not until she had named him "ICHABOD" - "the glory is departed". The record of this was preserved "for our admonition". "The arms of the wicked shall be broken; but the Lord upholdeth the righteous", (Ps. 37:17).
The Lord Jehovah calls,
   Be every ear inclined;
May such a voice awake each heart,
   And captivate each mind.

Oh! harden not your hearts,
   But hear His voice today;
Lest, ere tomorrow's earliest
He call your souls away.


If, through unruffled seas,
   Toward heaven we calmly sail,
With grateful hearts, 0 God,
      to Thee
   We'll own the favoring gale.

But should the surges rise,
   And rest delay to come,
Blest be the sorrow -- kind
      the storm,
   Which drives us nearer home.

Soon shall our doubts and fears
   All yield to Thy control:
Thy tender mercies shall illume
   The midnight of the soul.

Teach us, in every state,
   To make Thy will our own;
And when the joys of sense depart,
   To live by faith alone.
-- A. M. Toplady

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HOPE REVEALED.....Continued

"special saviour, a Messiah, who was to redeem mankind by the agreeable process of restoring the fabulous glories of David and Solomon, and bringing the whole world at last under the benevolent but firm Jewish heel".
   It is the editor's belief that a progressive revelation of this "hope of Israel" is discernible in the chain of terms and titles which Israel's prophets applied to her Coming Messiah. In the next issue we will examine some of these terms together.

THE DIFFERENCE .... Continued

peaceable "unity of the Spirit", we yearn, pray and labor together in an effort to reach others with the redeeming message of the crucified, buried, risen, living, ascended, interceding and soon-coming Lord, Jesus Christ.
   Without fanfare, or desire for glory to anyone but God alone, Landmark church has been holding forth the Word of Life for the past 19 years -- not only in the Rockford area, but in various other places, in our own country and in lands across the sea. God alone is able to discern what the affect of this ministry has been; we are content to leave that with Him. He it is who "gives the increase"; ours is but to sow the precious seed -- trusting Him, in His own time and way, to make it fruitful. Nor do we entertain the slightest doubt with regard to His faithfulness.
   If YOU have searched in vain for a church that is SERIOUS about the business of knowing and serving God -- not according to carnal methods designed to "succeed" or to "make a show in the flesh", but according to the SIMPLICITY of the New Testament -- then we INVITE and URGE YOU TO COME and share with us the fellowship of the Gospel. IT'S WONDERFUL!!


    The next two (2) pages in this CLARION HERALD is designed to be removed and folded into a 4-page pamphlet. This is a very thought-provoking article that should be given serious consideration by God's people, It has been slightly edited to fit into this space.

ordination who remembered him, with love, through all those years. They said: "Alice June, this is the answer to many a prayer today! Eldwyn's father never prayed in public, but what he asked the Lord to send forth laborers into His vineyard." What a heritage for a father to leave his child--that he had prayed for God to call him in to His service!
    Is it being UNDERPRIVILEGED to be where GOD wants you --- even if your part may be just sowing the Word, and another generation reap the salvation of souls? Or even if no fruit EVER shows from your labors -- just being sure you are where God wants you?
    Maybe God wants OTHERS on foreign fields -- even (May it please Him!) on THIS FIELD. Are you sure He isn't calling YOU? Don't be afraid to bring your children with you; He has given many promises to those who forsake houses and lands for His sake, and the Gospel's.
    Knowing my own shortcomings, and my own besetting sins, I feel unworthy to write these things. Satan is ever present to taunt, tempt, or turn us aside. It was not easy when, our first year on the mission field, I received word of the death of my father ONE WEEK AFTER HE WAS BURIED! Yet, I desire that the Lord may, somehow, mold me -- even with all my weaknesses -- into something useful for His name's honor and glory. If I fail; it is not because He is unfaithful.
    It has been in my heart to put these things on paper ever since we were home in 1964. At that time a dear Christian friend of many years said to me (not realizing what she said): "Alice June, maybe while you are home your husband can GET A CHURCH here, and you won't HAVE to go back over seas." Dear friends, do we feel that the mission field is too great a sacrifice for a Heavenly Father whose Son GAVE UP HEAVEN to die FOR US?
-- Alice June Rogers, a Missionary-Mother


    Have you ever found yourself pitying missionary children? Before you do it again, maybe you would like to read this.
    The call to the mission field, or the ministry, is a high calling from God. The last command of Jesus to His church was "GO ye into all the world". Most of us love to remember the last words of loved ones before they left this world, and if it was a desire, we try to fulfill it. Is that the way we regard these words of Jesus? Or do we even remember them, When we begin pitying the missionary (or, more likely, his children)? Why should they be pitied, if their father has gone at God's command? If an ambassador is appointed to another country, by the President, do we pity his children if they go along with their father -- regarding them as UNDER - PRIVILEGED? If an oil company sends men over to drill for oil in a foreign land, or to direct mining operations (and their children go along for the "adventure"), do we feel sorry for them? Our usual reaction would be: "HOW THRILLING!! All that travel, and seeing foreign countries!" But do we feel the same way about missionary children? "Poor things, their father is DRAGGING THEM OFF to some foreign country to live among the HEATHEN, and they'll never have an opportunity to GET AN EDUCATION or see their relatives, and they will suffer SO MANY HARDSHIPS!"
    With absolutely no reflection, whatsoever, on those dedicated teachers who conscientiously desire to teach right things to their students, I would like to ask: "What is an education, anyway?" To expose our children, for 7-8 hours a day, for 12 years (or 16 or 20), to what OTHERS have prescribed as an "education" --- teaching then that God did NOT create the heavens and the earth; that men descended from apes; exposing them to theories, philosophies, ideas, standards of living, dress and morals (or immoral) that draw them

AWAY from God (not to Him) -- THIS IS EDUCATION? Our niece's husband, who is also a young pastor, told of entering a class-room on his first day in college. The teacher wrote on the board, "THERE IS NO GOD"; then he said to the class, "When you have finished this class, each of you will say the same thing". Our nephew gathered up his books; as he was leaving the class the teacher asked where he was going. He replied: "I've learned enough in here. I don't intend to stay in here long enough to SEE if you can make me believe that". We would not think of deliberately exposing our children to contagious diseases -- as typhoid, diphtheria, hepatitis, etc., feeling confident their bodies were sufficiently strong to resist them. But are we sometimes, perhaps, more confident about their spiritual welfare -- thinking they are so strong, spiritually, that they will not be affected by outside pressures? Maybe the disease, which IS more prevalent in foreign countries, than in our own beloved America, is the LESSER EVIL to which missionary children are exposed.
    As we all know, Moses was probably one of the best-educated men who ever lived, but God took him to the desert for 40 years before He used him to lead out the children of Israel. I imagine this was long enough that he forgot most of his "education"; yet, God used him in a mighty way. Maybe the missionary's children have that advantage --- of never learning many things which would have to be overruled -- if the Lord should desire to use them. Perhaps, instead of getting an "education" He would have them learn the wisdom of God.
    Many kind and well-meaning people, who pity the missionary's children, offer their homes so they "can stay in the home land" and not "have" to go to a foreign country. This is often confusing to a missionary child, and they have to struggle over a decision to stay among their own people, or to accept the wisdom of their own father, who feels the Lord would have him take his whole family with him to the field.

    Also, this may be the discouragement of some future missionary, as statistics have shown that some of the best prospects for the mission field are "second generation" missionaries -- missionary children who are already fluent in the language, and would not have to use valuable time learning the language -- who are already educated in the customs of a country, and who, having been reared among the people, might naturally have more of a burden to take them the gospel.
    Where is the missionary zeal and love, which has led godly men in years gone by into foreign fields to live (and die, if necessary), among a people who have NEVER had the privilege of hearing that Jesus loved them and died for them. Some do not even know the NAME of Jesus -- like one my husband encountered here in Paraguay, or like the Chinese woman who walked many miles to a missionary's home and said: "He has saved me, but, would you tell me His name again?" Can aprivilege such as that be compared with the privileges of the homeland -- ease, luxury, and a minimum of opposition? Isn't it easy to see which are the GREATER privileges?
    Where, I ask again, is the ZEAL which led hymn writers to pen such words as:
   Must I be carried to the skies
      On flow'ry beds of ease,
   While others FOUGHT to win the prize,
      And sailed thro' bloody seas?
    Where are the Hannah's who will pray: "Lord, if you'll give me a son, I'll give him back to You"? (Even if it's on a mission field?) Is it somehow HARDER to see our sons die on a MISSION FIELD than on a BATTLE FIELD??
   Where are the godly fathers who used to pray: "Oh, God, send more laborers into Thy harvest"? Are we afraid God will send OUR SONS? Is that why it is no longer included in our prayers? Although my father in law died while Eldwyn was still a child many came to me at the time of Eldwyn's