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The Clarion Herald

    Another year is speeding toward its end -- the coming of our Dear Lord drawing nearer with equal rapidity. It is a solemn thought, yet a joyful anticipation. Neglected opportunities are forever gone and the day of divine reckoning, relative to their use, inescapable.
    We live in an hour of spiritual crisis. It is a day that requires diligence, watchfulness and unswerving devotion to Christ -- just to avoid entanglement in the carefully designed and executed program of worldliness rashly undertaking the thwarting of God's high and holy purpose in the earth. It is a day in which the true servants of God are facing an unprecedented attack -- launched by invisible forces of spiritual wickedness in the heavenlies, but supported by multitudes of professed Christians who have been easily duped into their servitude through high mindedness and unbelief.
    If there was ever a time when the people of God needed to focus our undistracted gaze on the Lord, that he might unite our hearts to fear His name, we are living in such an hour. The glory of God, the preservation of a true witness

and the saving of our own lives are dependent upon it!
    An increasing consciousness of such a need during the past twenty years has compelled this pastor-editor to speak as candidly as he knows how in urging upon his brethren the vital importance of maintaining a spiritual unity in the bonds of peace. That same compelling motivation has necessitated his warning against such a spirit of careless, reckless, loveless unbrotherliness as would tend toward a disintegration of fellowship, the desecration of Christ's holy name and the destruction of those who practice it.
    That a small minority has, during the past year, charged this editor with carelessly effecting just the opposite of what his heart so deeply desires has brought deep grief and required much soul-searching. It has NOT, however (and will not), turned him aside from the pursuit of that which he values more highly than life itself.
    With an abiding concern for the progress of the Gospel, for REAL peace within the brotherhood, and for the glory of God, Landmark Missionary Baptist Church invites YOU to be with us on November 25-26 for a time of FELLOWSHIP IN THE GOSPEL!

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The Clarion Herald The Clarion Herald


Oh, what, if we are Christ's
    Is earthly shame or loss?
Bright shall the crown of glory be,
    when we have borne the cross.

Keen was the trial once,
    Bitter the cup of woe
When martyred saints, baptized in
    Christ's sufferings shared

Bright is their glory now,
    Boundless their joy above,
Where, on the bosom of their God,
    They rest in perfect love.

Lord, may that grace be ours!
    Like them in faith to bear
All that of sorrow, grief, or pain,
    May be our portion here!

Enough, if thou at last
    The word of blessing give,
And let us rest beneath thy feet,
    Where saints and angels live!


    In our last Business Meeting a motion was unanimously passed to undertake the raising of such a Building Fund as would enable us to make some definite move toward better facilities by July, 1977.
    July 1977 will be the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of the Landmark Missionary Baptist Church. During the past 23 years (since we moved into our present building) we have often talked of such a move, but have usually agreed that we could invest more wisely in MISSIONS.
    Mission work is no less important in 1976! However, the present consensus seems to be that our effectiveness as a witness in our own local community is being hampered by lack of adequate facilities. It is your pastor's hope that we may be able to go forward with a positive and forward-looking building endeavor WITHOUT diminishing our interest in, or support of missions. The Lord WILL MAKE IT POSSIBLE!
    A special compartment in our offering box is marked "BUILDING FUND" for the use of our members. Should some of our friends; who believe in what we are doing, desire to participate in this effort, you may simply make your checks payable to "LANDMARK MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH". It will be joyfully received, promptly acknowledged, and you will be given a receipt for Income Tax (deduction) purposes.
    In this, as in all else, let us pray and labor together IN LOVE -- for the glory of Christ and the increasing fruitfulness of our labor.

(Study in Ruth 2:4-23)

    One may discern something of the character of Boaz by noting the exchange of greeting that passed between himself and his reapers. "The Lord be with you"..."The Lord bless you". This suggests that there was a mutuality of love and respect between Boaz and his servants. His keen perceptiveness is shown by his immediate inquiry concerning the strange maiden in his field, (vs. 5-7).
    The attitude of Boaz toward this Gentile maiden is most commendable -- especially when compared with the general hatred of Gentiles on the part of his nation, (vs. 3-12). Concerned about her virtue, he advised Ruth against wandering into any other field. She will be both welcome and safe in his field; his young men have already been forbidden to molest her. When thirsty she may drink from his vessels. Overwhelmed by his kindness to a stranger, Ruth wonders about his graciousness, (vs. 10).
    Boaz has already heard of Ruth's rich qualities; such beauty of character could not be hidden. He knew of her kindness to Naomi since the deaths of Elimelech and Mahlon. He knew at what cost she had left her kindred, and the land of her nativity, because of her love for Naomi and Naomi's God. Thus, he commended her fidelity by pronouncing a blessing upon her: "The Lord recompense thy work and a full reward be given thee of the Lord God of Israel, under whose wings thou art come to trust!" (See Psalm 17:8

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36:7; 57:1; 61:4; Matt. 23:37) What a splendid thing it would be if, before contemplating marriage, every young couple would show such a concern for the spiritual well-being of each other!
    Still unaware of his relationship to the family of Elimelech, Ruth expressed to Boaz her deep gratitude.
    For her unselfish labor Ruth was richly rewarded. She was invited to dine at the Master's table -- reminding us that our lord often rewards us far above what we deserve. And Ruth went home with an enormous amount of barley that day -- unaware that Boaz had commanded his young men to make it possible, (vs. 15-17). But Naomi immediately recognized the kindness of Ruth's benefactor. She blessed him and then inquired of Ruth concerning his identity, (vs. 19). Learning that it was Boaz, thankfulness and joy flooded her soul; she realized, perhaps for the first time, that here was a kinsman who might be willing to redeem their inheritance (vs. 20).
    Relating to Naomi the special kindness that Boaz had shown toward her, Ruth was advised to accept his invitation to glean in his field until the harvests were ended. Ruth respected both the kindness of Boaz and the advice of her mother-in-law -- gleaning beside his maidens until the harvest was ended. By her faithful response Ruth was richly rewarded in grain, found security at home and enjoyed the pleasantness of labor in the place of her

master's appointment.
    What a lesson! What a splendid example for the Lord's church to follow!
    When we were hopeless paupers Jesus Christ was not ashamed to become one of us -- that He might redeem us and share with us of His great wealth. He rescued us, gave us the protection of His house, the privilege of laboring in His field and eating at His table until the harvest is ended. If found faithful, at the end of the harvest, He will take us unto Himself as His beloved Bride. With Him we will share 'All things in common" forevermore!
    If lost, you are urged to come under the shadow of His wings -- finding rest, peace, joy and life forevermore!

I look to Thee in every need,
    And never look in vain;
I feel Thy strong and tender love,
    And all is well again;
The thought of Thee is mightier far
    Than sin pain & sorrow are.

Discouraged in the work of life,
    Disheartened by its load,
Shamed by its failures or its fears,
    I sink beside the road;
But let me only think of Thee
    And then new heart springs up
        in me.

Thy calmness bends serene above,
    My restlessness to still;
Around me flows Thy quickening life,
    To nerve my faltering will;
Thy presence fills my solitude;
    Thy providence turns all to good.

Embosomed deep in Thy dear love,
    Held in Thy law, I stand;
Thy hand in all things I behold,
    And all things in Thy hand;
Thou leadest me by unsought ways,
    And turn'st my mourning into
--Samuel Longfellow


    In the haste of preparing the last issue I failed to mention what joy our hearts experienced in seeing Steve and Ann Schultz request baptism at the hands of our church -- desiring to honor Christ with their lives. They have already been a blessing to us.
    The Lord still honors His Word and saves all who trust Him! E.G.