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The Clarion Herald

    Published under the sponsorship of the Landmark Missionary Baptist Church, of Rockford, Illinois, the CLARION HERALD will soon complete its ninth year of witness. It regularly goes into hundreds of homes with a message that we consider important in these perilous times. And several of our readers have written to testify of spiritual enrichment through these efforts.
    There are a few dear friends who have been faithful to write through the years -- not only encouraging our hearts by testimonies of blessing, but often becoming a PART OF THIS MINISTRY itself through their liberal gifts for its support.
    Though there is no subscription charge (we are happy to share our message FREELY with anyone who desires it), we ARE MOST GRATEFUL when others value this ministry enough to become "fellow-helpers".
    But, more than your gifts, we desire your PRAYERS.
    How many times has YOUR life been touched by this witness? Have we EVER heard from you? We would like to hear from each reader.
    Thanks for permitting us a visit in your home; we WELCOME YOU to ours! -- the Editor


    Though the term is nowhere used in the New Testament, it is quite clear that the Holy Spirit is the true "Vicar of Christ" on earth in the present age -- superintending the life and witness of the church, as an institution, and each local assembly, in particular. Tertullian spoke of the Holy Spirit as Christ's "Vicar"! -- the deputy who stepped in to direct the affairs of Christ when His earthly ministry came to a close.
    During the days of His flesh, the visible presence of our Lord heartened and inspired His disciples; but He told them plainly that this could not continue forever: He must GO AWAY, (John 16:7). Until His departure, the Spirit would not come -- according to the promise He had made them. Just WHY this was the case, we do not know; nor is it essential to a walk of faith.
    Jesus! disciples did not want Him to leave; they expected victory under His leadership. Thus, it was a surprise that He should promise SOMEONE TO COME in His place Who would be everything to them that He had been. They need not be anxious about His leaving; the Coming One

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The Clarion Herald The Clarion Herald

will be of such a nature as to ABIDE WITH THEM FOREVER! He will stand IN CHRIST'S STEAD -- yet, never crowding Him out of His rightful place in their hearts. In fact, He will ENLARGE that place -- strengthening Christ's hold upon them. He will, always speak of the Christ in such a way as to exalt and honor His worthy name.
    Jesus wanted His disciples to understand that the promised ministry of the Spirit, through an abiding, indwelling presence, was something to be supremely desired. His people are not to be left comfortless or defenseless; the living, dynamic presence of the Holy Spirit is the assurance that our Lord still supplies every need!
    In the absence of the Christ, the authority of the Holy Spirit over the lives of His people is absolutely SUPREME! He faithfully directs our attention to the risen, living and exalted Lord -- exposing us constantly to His grace.


    As fellow-participants in the New Covenant, all who submit themselves to God's order (through identification with Christ in His body and a walk of faith-obedience before Him) enter into the blessed "fellowship of the Spirit". In his benediction at the end of the second Corinthian letter, Paul prays "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all!" (2 Cor. 13:14). In writing to His beloved Philippians he once more referred to this "fellowship of the Spirit" -- associating it with "consolation in Christ", "comfort of love" and "bowels of mercies", (Phil. 2:1).
    Fellowship in the Spirit involves "a mutual sharing IN the Spirit". But it is also a fellowship that is made possible THROUGH the Spirit's influence.
    Let us never miss, ignore or minimize the fact that the Holy Spirit has been pleased to make THE CHURCH His HABITATION. This is the sphere of His SPECIAL dwelling and ruling among the saints. Any so-called church that insists on going along its own merry, independent way -- claiming a SOVEREIGN RIGHT to RUN ITS OWN AFFAIRS, and refusing to obey the voice of the Holy Spirit -- thereby proves itself to be NO CHURCH, in the New Testament sense.
    And where the Spirit dwells one will find both "liberty" (2 Cor. 3:17) and "unity" (Eph. 4:3-4).
    Invest liberally in God's service; it pays incomparable dividends!!


    Genuine Christian liberty is not only experienced, but also best preserved by a loving and voluntary faith-submission of one's whole being under the rule of the Spirit.
    Acceptable Christian conduct is described as a "walk in the Spirit" (Gal. 5:16). So walking, one does NOT fulfil the lust of the flesh. For such a walk there is "no condemnation", (Rom. 8:1; 4:7-8). And IN such as so walk the righteousness required by the law IS FULFILLED -- being revealed "from faith, to faith". Those DECLARED RIGHTEOUS (or "justified", in Christ), thus, LIVE according to the ruling principle of "faithfulness", (Rom. 8:4; 1:17).
    Led by the Spirit, those who know true liberty find guidance APART FROM THE LAW, (Gal. 5:18). Consciousness of the Spirit's indwelling presence gives assurance of divine "sonship" and enables one to cry: "Abba, Father!" (Rom. 8:9; Gal. 4:4-6). One of the chief functions of the Spirit, as sent by the risen Christ, is to GUIDE the lives of the saints in paths of truth and righteousness. By His instrumentality, the Law of God is "written in our hearts", and on our minds, (Heb. 8:10). And He is ever NEAR: to rebuke, caution or encourage us in the way; whatever direction we need, He faithfully supplies.
    To LIVE in the Spirit is to experience a divine companionship that is indescribable in its loveliness, (Gal. 5:25). It involves: 1) An awareness of Christ's nearness -- freeing one from anxiety,

and filling him with abiding peace, (Phil. 4:5-7). 2) In a common language there is blessed communication between the Holy Spirit and the renewed spirit of man. Witness is, thus, born to the fact that we ARE CHILDREN OF GOD (Rom. 8:16); and that JOINT-HEIRSHIP with Christ may be ours "if so be that we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together", (Rom. 8:17). 3) As our lives are yielded to His mastery, He HELPS OUR WEAKNESSES -- even making the groanings of our hearts intelligible to Him Who hears on high, (Romans 8:26-27). 4) True liberty of Spirit is known ONLY in a life of spontaneous and joyful servitude, wherein one ministers to the needs of his fellow-men "for Jesus! sake".


    God is sometimes represented, by ignorant men, as "burning with implacable rage" against the human race until Jesus died to appease His wrath and make Him MERCIFUL. This idea is totally foreign to the Scriptures! Jesus died BECAUSE God WAS MERCIFUL; not to make Him merciful, but to open a channel through which a stream of salvation might flow to all mankind.
    It was God, the Father, who took the initiative in providing salvation for a perishing race. The sending of His Son into the world was a manifestation of His condescending love. Herein is love -- unparalleled in its nature. Here is love that is undeserved, unsolicited, never invited by anything good in man, (Gen. 3:15). This love is Invest liberally in God's service; it pays incomparable dividends!!

immense in its outreach -- embracing every age, clime, character and condition, even to the most abandoned and abominable of the human race, (I Tim. 1:15). Here is love unequalled -- like an ocean without bounds, flooding the whole world, (I John 2:2). Mighty love! covering every sin and comprehending every blessing, (I John 4:16). Glorious love! in its purpose and end; designed to procure holiness,
pardon, peace and eternal rest in His presence.
    "Not that we loved God"; His love was bestowed while we were still at enmity against Him, (Rom. 8:7). Amazing goodness! He loved us with an eternal love -- a love so deep that it reaches to the vilest of sinners, (Psalm 103:8). It was such love as brought the Son of God from the heights of glory to the depths of shame; from great riches to extreme poverty, (2 Cor. 8:9).
    God "SENT HIS SON to be the propitiation for our sins". This is LOVE! He sacrificed His own beloved Son that He might lift us unworthy sinners from the depths of sin and wretchedness to the heights of holiness and eternal glory. Matchless Love! that robbed heaven of its greatest treasure for the enrichment of this earth!
    Can you doubt that God loves YOU? It is true that He hates sin; but where can you find a sinner He does not love? Here is such love as demands love in response. But, 0, the eternal wretchedness of those who foolishly despise, reject or simply neglect such LOVE DIVINE!
Not half so far has nature placed
The rising morning from the West,
As His forgiving grace removes
The daily guilt of those He loves.

His everlasting love is sure
To all the saints, and shall endure;
From age to age His truth shall
Nor children's children hope in
-- Isaac Watts